This book is loaded with advanced tricks, effective methods, and clever tidbits of information aimed at helping you take better advantage of your time and potential on eBay. When you started out on eBay, you may have had the inkling that perhaps you could actually earn a living on the site. Then reality set in, and you recognized how all the facets of buying and selling on eBay take a bit more work than you previously expected. Of course they do!
Remember, an eBay business is e-commerce. Many people who start selling on eBay with the idea of creating a successful home-based business have no background in running their own business and no background in retailing. Understanding how a business works takes some study and practice (some people even spend four years at college to learn about running a business). So don’t be disappointed if (at first) all your eBay activities don’t just fall into place. There’s a definite learning curve, and that’s why I write my books. I pull from my years of marketing and advertising work and my current full-time occupation writing and teaching about eBay to offer insights and help you through the rough spots.
By reading this book, you’ve invested two things: your money and your time. In return, this book gives you lots of information for your money, and the time you spend reading it and putting this information into practice will be invaluable.