Teen girls interested in serious fitness training programs have little to choose from on the bookshelves. There are lots of books about self-esteem, pimples and boyfriends but few substantial workout guides.This book will tell you how to get athletically fit and firm using the gym or making do at home for sport and a sporting lifestyle.
Fitness Training for Girls sounds serious. It’s that second word that does it. By definition training is the process or state of being formed by instruction, discipline and drill. Anything that involves all that must be pretty serious, indeed. So it makes sense that this is a book for athletes or aspiring athletes.Athletes train. That’s what they do. But Fitness Training for Girls is for all the other girls, too. Or at least the ones who wish to attain fitness that goes beyond dieting and exercising to lose weight. They may not have the talent or desire to be athletes, but they want to achieve and maintain a life of fitness all the same. The processes for both athletic and non-athletic girls take earnest effort and the processes overlap especially in the beginning. Fitness is not exclusive. It is achievable for every girl who wants it.