If we were to catalog all the misinformation we’ve seen about selling on eBay, it might take days! We wrote this book to get you started in the right direction, and even provide some shortcuts.
Marsha has been writing eBay reference books since 1998, selling on eBay since 1996, tracking the buying trends as they change from year to year, and keeping her readers clued in about the differences as they crop up. In her ongoing quest for eBay accuracy in the midst of complexity, she’s joined forces with Patti Ruby, her ace technical editor on previous books. Result: a fearless venture into the intricacies of selling, of taming the dreaded HTML, of attracting more eBay profits!
(By the way: Thank you if you’ve bought eBay For Dummies books before and if this is your first one, welcome. We’re sure this book will add some high-caliber know-how to your eBay selling arsenal.)
There are good ways to display your eBay listings, and there are bad ways. How many times have you opened an item on eBay and found barely enough of a description to identify the item especially if the listing had no picture! (Let’s see... you didn’t buy that item, right? Call it a hunch.) That one example is just the tip of the eBay-mistake iceberg. In this book, we set you on the path to efficient listing content and attractive online appearance for your item and we show you how to produce your listings in record time. The aim, of course, is to beat out your competition and rake in those elusive bidder-dollars.
The pictures that display your item online are an entirely separate ball of wax (so to speak). Lots of books supposedly tell you how to take good photos for eBay auctions, but it seems to me that those books try to teach you how to take high-quality family pictures instead. They don’t seem to take into account that photography for eBay has to be rapid-fire and accurate. Your goal is to produce an image of decent quality that will last for the next 7 to 10 days, maximum. Because your time is valuable, this book doesn’t bog you down with pages of unnecessary technical garbage. It gives you the information you absolutely need to know to produce the right kind of product image, and nothing more.